Family Support Services

ProBerco's Family Support Services (FSS)
Family Support Services is an array of services to assist individuals living independently in their home or residing with their parents or caregivers. ProBerco Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) provide emotional support as well as socialization and community engagement assistance. Services are provided one-to-one and are determined by each person’s Individual Support Plan (ISP).
FSS services includes companion, habilitation, and respite services. Sometimes these services are known as in-home and community services since the support is provided in a person’s home or in the community.

Companion Services
Companion Services are intended to provide supervision for adults with disabilities to ensure the safety, health, and well-being of individuals in their everyday lives. DSPs may assist individuals in activities of daily living and encourage individuals to participate in community activities based on their personal choice and self-determination. The hours of service are determined by the needs of the individual and may include a few hours each day or a few hours each week.
Habilitation Services
Habilitation Services are the supports individuals with disabilities need to live everyday lives in their home, whether living alone or with a family. DSPs assist individuals with acquiring the necessary skills and supports to live as independently as possible in the community. DSPs may teach individuals how to use community resources so they can lead a more enriched fulfilling life. Some of these activities may include how to use public transportation, meal planning, exercise, and financial literacy. DSPs will follow the goals that have been established in the person’s ISP and will help them achieve these goals in pursuing their everyday lives.

Respite Services
Respite Services are different, in that the services are primarily a benefit for the caregiver and are designed to give the caregiver a break. ProBerco will provide temporary overnight supervision of adults with disabilities while the caregiver goes on vacation, attends to their own health and medical needs, or any other life situation that the caregiver needs to attend to.
For information about FSS Services please contact Kristy Vigo, Community Services Administrator at