Prospectus Berco is a nonprofit corporation established in 1977 to provide quality services to adults with intellectual disabilities and special needs in Berks County. In March of 1977, Prospectus Berco spun-off from the Berks County Chapter of the Association for Retarded Citizens, known as ARC. A volunteer Board of Directors governs the agency and is composed of family members, business leaders and community volunteer.
From the beginning, Prospectus Berco focused on individuals’ abilities, not their disabilities. The word “prospectus” means to see the potential in any circumstance. Berco Industries was chosen as the name for the corporation’s day program.
At Prospectus Berco, we promote the philosophy that the more than 425 individuals in our programs are part of the Berks County community. Programming requirements from Federal and State mandates have transitioned to individuals experiencing more community participation and receiving employment first opportunities. Our goals are accomplished through the excellent care provided by 300 professionals in our organization and the support of the Berks County community.
Reaching Beyond Expectations, our programs give program participants the skills to become contributing community members as we concentrate on ability. Under the leadership of Jody H. Wagner, Executive Director/CEO, Prospectus Berco embraces this philosophy as we provide quality services so that individuals can lead meaningful lives. In return, these individuals help us view the world with hope, opportunity, and acceptance.